Monday, February 21, 2011

First Loves

             Last summer Tasha was more excited then usual that we were going to the beach. She declared to her sister and I that she was going to find a boyfriend. In the last few months she notice boys were noticing her. In reality she was a soon to be fifteen year old. I just always take what she says with a grain of salt she tends to say a lot of random things. We were at the beach for about a hour and I decided to walk down the pier  to check on the kids. Shock came over me when I saw Tasha holding hands with a boy. Talk about love at first sight they were stuck to each other sides. When we left he got her phone number. Then she waited and waited for him to call. The wait seemed like forever to her but in actuality it was only twenty-four hours. She was so excited and from that point forward they were in a committed relationship. The great part about this relationship is there distance. He lives three hours away. This would be hard for most average teens but not for them. This is also a parents dream. She can have a committed relationship without physical contact. This may seem mean but she is only fifteen.
             Two months later I had a appointment with her B.R.A.I.N doctor. I explained to him there relationship compared to her twin sisters relationship. He explained to me Tasha is wired differently. She woke up that day destined to find a boyfriend. To most this would seem like a strange request. She went out and did it. She had a goal and she reached it. The difference between her twin is Natalie met a boy and developed a relationship. Tasha jumped off a wall or pier and feel in love. Natalie is rational and age appropriate Tasha is not. This topic lead us to major discussions about the twins.
            This is the moment I realize Tasha can really make things happen. When she left middle school she believe in high school everyone would be nice and mature. I can only but snicker at this knowing my experiences. She walked in with that attitude and high school has been 100 times better then middle school. It seems that Tasha makes her own destiny. It makes me wonder is anything possible for her.

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