Saturday, February 12, 2011

A New Start

            After all of the new hoops the doctors made us jump through. Life became more of a question mark. Does she or doesn't she have schizophrenia. I really didn't want her labeled, however dealing with this illness seemed easier with a diagnosis. Her new doctor I came to find out was only going to see her once before he retired. So after he left back to the drawing board. He was a very smart and informative doctor. I really like him. He was throwing around the idea that she may have asburgers. Autism seemed like a very big stretch. I was up far any new input I could get. So lucky before he retired he recommended that she would get major brain tests done. She was able to get them done for free because our county received a grant for this. She was chosen and within 2 months she went though very intense testing. I will come back to this a bit later.
            After the office called in a  prescription for her. We found out the office messed up her prescription fill. She had to go two whole days without meds. This was a nightmare of what she would be like if she never went on meds. She went through typical withdraw symptoms. She was shaking all the time. Her anxiety level was through the roof. By the second day all of her hallucination were back. She saw black spots again and spiders in her shoes. This was summer time at least so I could keep her inside. Then the day I filled her prescription within hours she was back to her usual self. That was the day I was convince without a doubt she has schizophrenia. Now it was time to go through all the major tests to prove it.

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