Sunday, January 16, 2011

The fight begins then comes to a standstill

           I threw myself into research.I read any book I could find on behavioral issues. The one I remember the most was called a "Strong Willed Child." It was about how any behavioral issue could be fixed.  I felt the discipline techniques were outdated. I worked off of what that books message was and tried to adapt it to the modern world. So I started by removing her from the situations and time outs. None of the standard methods of discipline worked on her. I really got sick of everyone say " you need to give her a slap on the butt." Which I also tried and that did not work either. When you are a young parent the judging  people cast on you is so overwhelming. You end up questioning everything you do and who you really are. When your a parent your judged for everything you do.
         The day I remember most is when I received a knock on the door from protective services. The women was young and very judgemental. This was the day we just got fresh carpet layed. So my children's room had everything shoved in it. Her words were "do they ever have beds in there room." "No I leave a piano in the middle of there room all the time." I wanted to say. She set-up a meeting with us at her office to explain our situation. She said we needs parenting classes and accused us of beating our child over spilled milk. The school called her. I felt completely alone. On one hand I had my parents and friends judging me because of my daughters temper. Now I had the school saying I was beating my kids. So I was damned if I do and damned if I don't. The damage between the school and I was done. I was in a battle to defend myself and husband.
         One month later we received another knock on the door. It was another protective service worker, however she was older. She walked into our house with a open mind. After talking to her for twenty minutes. She cleared our family of any wrong doing and left. I felt vindicated after months of doubt. I felt in control of my life again. So I could continue my fight without the threat of having my kids taken away. I was in charge again and I was not going rest until I had answers.

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