Monday, January 17, 2011

The happiest place on earth

             For Christmas that year my Mother graciously gave us a family trip to Disney World. I was so excited. The first time the girls went they were to young to remember. I really felt like we would have a great family trip. Unfortunately being off her meds not very long made the trip unbearable. We tried our best to cater to each child's needs. I went with Natalie and my husband took Natasha. The last day we were there. I had a security guard come up to me and ask if this is my child. "Yes, she is with her father." So what happened is. She through a major fit my husband had to carry her kicking and screaming. So security stopped him and accused him of kidnapping. So when they found me they just needed me to verify his story. They sent us on our way. To me it was just another humiliating thing she did. To him he was so humiliated and she went over the line in his eyes. For a very long time this one incident fractured her and her fathers relationship. It took years to repair the damage that was done.
             I felt I was the only one fighting now he would help me because she was to strong and I physically couldn't deal with her. He was just the enforcer no affection for her left. Our relationship was strained because neither of us knew what to do to make her happy. He had two options. First enforce every rule and restrain her use tough love. Second just let her be let her do what she wants as long as she doesn't hurt herself or someone else. I chose the second most of the time because I did not have the will power to get into altercations everyday with her. I just accepted her for who she was. Even if I lost my family in the process.
              Even till this day the hair pulling continues. It started with her eyelashes. Then on the day of the family picture her eyebrows. It continued to the hair on her head. I goes away for years at a time , but always resurfaces. I school she struggled during middle school she never got above a 2nd grade reading level. Her comprehension level was very low. She also had very little to no short term memory. I always thought I would love to look inside that head of hers. What a struggle she must be fighting.

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