Saturday, January 15, 2011

A parent's perspective on mental illness

      When I was seventeen and was told I was having twins. I was shocked at best. I decided to accept this reality and begin a new and frightening life. I had my twin girls at eighteen just out of high school. There father was never there. So it was me and my small support system. Looking back now I do not remember much from those first few years.  Who would at that age. I was just trying to make a life for my girls and I. This blog is not about being a single Mom and overcoming the odds. This blog about adolescent mental illness. Finding ways to deal with that diagnosis. Ways to search for answers and never giving up.
        From the age my daughter was five I knew something was not right " I hate to use the word normal."
I remember picking up the twins at preschool. My daughter threw a colossal fit in the van. She was known for tantrums so this was not uncommon. We were half way into the drive and she wanted something at school so bad. She opened the Van door and tried to get out. By God's grace I just approached a stop light. The door slammed on her legs and she was dangling upsidedown. Scared and embarrassed I stopped the car in the middle of the road got out and secured her again. I was only a block from home. I ran in the house shut the door and cried. I realized that day. This child had no concept of consequence. She was willing to risk her life for a toy. I knew from that day forward something was wrong inside that head of hers. This was the day my fight for her began.

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